Publications on Calibration and Performance using AstroSat


  1. Antia, H. M., Agrawal, P. C., Katoch, T., et al. 2022, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Improved Background Model for the Large Area X-Ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) Instrument on board AstroSat (June 2022)

  2. Absolute time calibration of LAXPC aboard AstroSat, Basu, A. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.61, arXiv eprint: 2102.03606, (2021 october)

  3. An alternative scheme to estimate AstroSat/LAXPC background for faint sources, Misra, R. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id. 55, arXiv eprint: 2102.06402, (2021 october)

  4. Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) in orbit performance: Calibration, background, analysis software, Antia, H. M. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.32, arXiv eprint: 2101.07514, (2021 october)

  5. Calibration of the Large Area X-Ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) Instrument on board AstroSat, Antia, H. M. et al., ApJS, 231:10 (29pp) (2017)

  6. Large Area X-Ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) Instrument on AstroSat and Some Preliminary Results from its Performance in the Orbit, Agrawal, P. C. et al.,JOAA, 38:30 (2017)

  7. Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) Instrument on AstroSat, Yadav, J. S. et al., eprint arXiv:1705.06440 (2017)

  8. Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) instrument onboard ASTROSAT" J S Yadav et al, 2016, Proc of SPIE, vol.9905, id. 99051D 15 pp. (2016) [Preprint pdf]


  1. The Soft X-ray focusing Telescope aboard AstroSat: Design, Characteristics and Performance, Singh, K. P. et al., JOAA, 38:29 (2017)

  2. In-orbit performance of SXT aboard AstroSat, Singh, K. P. et al., Proc. SPIE , Volume 9905, id. 99051E pp. (2016) [Preprint pdf]


  1. The AstroSat mass model: Imaging and flux studies of off-axis sources with CZTI, Mate, S. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.93, arXiv eprint: 2105.09525, (2021 october)

  2. Imaging calibration of AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI), Vibhute, A. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.76, (2021 october)

  3. Exploring sub-MeV sensitivity of AstroSat-CZTI for ON-axis bright sources, Kumar, A. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.67, (2021 october)

  4. AstroSat-CZTI as a hard X-ray pulsar monitor, Anusree, K. G. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.63, arXiv eprint: 2101.08650 (2021 october)

  5. Timing Offset Calibration of CZTI instrument aboard ASTROSAT, Basu, A. et al., A&A, Volume 617, p6 (2018 )

  6. Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager onboard AstroSat : a multi-faceted hard X-ray instrument, Rao, A. R. et al., Current Science, Volume 113, Nr 4, 595, (2017).

  7. The Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager on AstroSat, Bhalerao, V. et al., JOAA, Volume 38, Issue 2, article id.31, pp. (2017)

  8. Line profile modelling for multi-pixel CZT detectors, Chattopadhyay T. et al., Proc. SPIE 9905, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 99054D (2016)

  9. In-orbit performance of AstroSat CZTI, Vadawale, S. V. et al., Proc. SPIE , Volume 9905, id. 99051G pp. (2016)

  10. Hard X-ray polarimetry with Astrosat-CZTI, Vadawale, S. V. et al., A&A, 578, A73 (2015)


  1. Potential UV standards for UVIT filter system, Bhargavi, S.G., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.88, (2021 october)

  2. Calibration of AstroSat/UVIT gratings and spectral responses, Dewangan, G.C., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.49, arXiv eprint: 2102.02480, (2021 october)

  3. Contamination control of UVIT, Kathiravan, S. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.41, (2021 october)

  4. Additional Calibration of the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on board AstroSat, Tandon, S. N., et al., ApJ, Volume 159, Issue 4, id.158 (2020)

  5. Investigating the in-flight performance of the UVIT payload onboard AstroSat, Rahna, P. T. et al., MNRAS, Volume 471, Issue 3, p.3028-3035 (2017)

  6. In-orbit Calibrations of the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, Tandon, S. N. et al., ApJ, 154:128 (14pp), (2017)

  7. In-orbit Performance of UVIT and First Results, Tandon, S. N. et al., JOAA, 38:28 (2017)

  8. Mapping distortion of detectors in UVIT onboard AstroSat observatory, Girish, V. et al., EXP ASTRON., Volume 43, Issue 1, pp.59-74 (2017)

  9. The UVIT telescopes on the Astrosat observatory, Hutchings, J. B. Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 354, p. 143, November 2014

  10. Tests & Calibration on Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT), Kumar, A. et al., Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Proc. SPIE , Volume 8443, article id. 84434R, pp. (2012)

  11. Detector calibration: Calibration and Performance of the Photon-counting Detectors for the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) of the Astrosat Observatory, Postma, J., Hutchings, J. B., & Leahy, D., PASP, 123:833-843 (2011)

  12. The Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope: Mechanical Design, Pati, A.K., et al. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, vol. 31, p. 479, March 2003


  1. Calibration of Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) onboard AstroSat, Sarwade, A. R. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.70, (2021 october)

  2. Early In-orbit Performance of Scanning Sky Monitor Onboard AstroSat, Ramadevi, M. C. et al., JOAA, 38:32 (2017)

  3. Scanning sky monitor (SSM) onboard AstroSat, Ramadevi, M. C. et al., EXP ASTRON., 44:11–23 (2017)


  1. Special calibrations during AstroSat mission operations towards meeting observation and pointing requirements, Subbarao, K. et al., JoAA, Volume 42, Issue 2, article id.26, (2021 october)