Spectral Simulation Tool for AstroSat ====================================== astrosat.sl is ISIS/Slang code that can be used to simulate multi-wavelength spectra using all the co-aligned Astrosat instruments (UVIT, SXT, LAXPC, CZTI). The tool can also be used to predict count rate for any given instrument including various UVIT filters. At present, the tool cannot be used to simulate UVIT grating spectra. The tool runs under ISIS Version 1.6.2-35. ISIS was developed at MIT for the analysis and interpretation of high resolution spectra. For details and installation of ISIS, please visit http://space.mit.edu/ASC/ISIS/. If you are new to ISIS, please read the ISIS vs. XSPEC article by Mike Nowak (http://space.mit.edu/home/mnowak/isis_vs_xspec/). astrosat.sl uses plotting function from the ISIS Start-up scripts written by Mike Nowak. Please download these scripts from http://space.mit.edu/home/mnowak/isis_vs_xspec/download.html. astrosat.sl uses X-ray responses provided by the instrument teams. The rmf/arf files for UVIT were generated using the filter effective areas provided by the UVIT team. Download response files for UVIT and X-ray instruments provided with this tool and edit path for response files as e.g., static variable resp_path = "/soft/astrosat/responses/astrosat_xray_uvit_resp_12may2017/"; This path includes the directories CZTI, LAXPC, SXT and UVIT which contain the rmf/arf files. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Usage : ISIS> .load astrosat.sl This will make available a number of function beginning with astrosat_ e.g. isis> astrosat_ (TAB) astrosat_czti_simulate_spec astrosat_get_count_rate astrosat_laxpc1_simulate_spec astrosat_laxpc2_simulate_spec astrosat_laxpc3_simulate_spec astrosat_multi_rebin_spec astrosat_sim astrosat_sxt_simulate_spec astrosat_uvit_fuv_baf2_sim astrosat_uvit_fuv_caf21_sim astrosat_uvit_fuv_caf22_sim astrosat_uvit_fuv_saph_sim astrosat_uvit_fuv_sil_sim astrosat_uvit_fuv_sim astrosat_uvit_nuv_b13_sim astrosat_uvit_nuv_b15_sim astrosat_uvit_nuv_b4_sim astrosat_uvit_nuv_n2_sim astrosat_uvit_nuv_sil_sim astrosat_uvit_nuv_sim astrosat_uvit_sim astrosat_uvit_vis_bk7_sim astrosat_uvit_vis_nd1_sim astrosat_uvit_vis_sim astrosat_uvit_vis_vis1_sim astrosat_uvit_vis_vis2_sim astrosat_uvit_vis_vis3_sim astrosat_xray_simulate_spec Just type one of the commands above followed by semicolon, it will output its usage e.g., isis> astrosat_sim ; Usage: astrosat_sim(Double_Type exposure); where exposure=exposure time in seconds isis> To simulate spectra for all the instruments First define a spectral model such as a simple absorbed powerlaw. ISIS> fit_fun("tbabs*powerlaw"); Then issue the command. ISIS> astrosat_sim(Double Type exposure_time_in_sec); To plot all the spectra, ISIS> plot_data(get_data_indices); To simulate spectra for X-ray instruments only ISIS> astrosat_xray_simulate_spec(Double Type exposure_time_in_sec); To simulate single instrument spectrum e.g., SXT ISIS> astrosat_sxt_simulate_spec (Double Type exposure_time_in_sec); To simulate uvit count rates for all filters ISIS> astrosat_uvit_sim (Double Type exposure_time_in_sec); To simulate count rates in all FUV filter ISIS> astrosat_uvit_fuv_sim(Double Type exposure_time_in_sec); To simulate count rates in a single FUV filter ISIS> astrosat_uvit_fuv_baf2_sim (Double Type exposure_time_in_sec); To calculate count rates for a single instrument or UVIT filter, use astrosat_get_count_rate(data_index); ======================================================